Rocket Spelling Blog

Homeschooling with Rocket Spelling

In addition to classroom teachers, homeschooling parents are also invited to take advantage of getting Rocket Spelling for free throughout the 2017-2018 school year! Our registration system defaults to creating a minimum of 5 students in every teacher account, but not all of those accounts need to actually be utilized. If you have fewer students in your care, you can still create a teacher account with the minimum of 5 students, set up just the number of student accounts you actually need, and your student(s) will be able to log in and play right away!


Scoring and Points on Rocket Spelling

Do your students ever wonder about exactly how they are earning certain numbers of points on Rocket Spelling? Here's how the scoring system works:

  1. Students receive 1 point per second when they are actively playing a Rocket Spelling level. These points stop accruing after 30 seconds without answering a question.

Tracking Student Progress

Tracking your students' progress on Rocket Spelling is simple and fun. While you are logged in to your teacher account, simply click on the progress tab. A massive spreadsheet with all of your students' results (by level) will appear. At a glance, you can tell which students are crushing tons of challenge levels, and which may need some additional support with certain patterns.

An important tip: To view even more information about a specific student's performance on any level, click on that cell in the spreadsheet!


Adding Students to your Account

When you create an account on Rocket Spelling, one of the first things you'll need to do is set up your students' accounts. This can be done in the manage tab of your account.

We know you’re busy, so we’ve streamlined this process.


Unlocking Challenge & Review Levels

For each set of words on Rocket Spelling, there are two types of levels: practice and challenge. The practice level is multiple choice, and words that are missed are re-tested later in the list. The challenge level is harder: students must type the word in themselves (without answer choices being provided), and they only get one try for each word.

For each word set, the challenge level is locked by default. A student must first beat the practice level for a certain set of words to unlock that particular challenge level.


Introducing... Rocket Spelling

Welcome to the official launch of Rocket Spelling!

With 1,200 words for your students to learn, practice levels that feel like a game and which reward the efforts and achievements of your students, and with live results available to you at a glance, is designed to enable you to fully customize your classroom spelling program to meet the needs of all of your students.

Best of all, from now through September 30th, 2017, we're giving away Rocket Spelling classroom subscriptions for free!