Rocket Spelling Blog

New Anchor Charts

Your teacher Rocket Spelling account now includes free anchor charts! These posters match the graphics from our new videos, and they are intended to serve as reference guides that students can use as they work on practice and challenge levels. 

To reflect this update, the "certificates" tab in your teacher account has now been renamed "printables," and it includes these new anchor charts as well as the usual certificates.



Introducing: Rocket Spelling Videos!

The 2022-2023 school year will bring huge upgrades to Rocket Spelling.

Most notably, we will be introducing Rocket Spelling videos!

Rocket Spelling is already a powerful tool to help students practice spelling in a differentiated and gamified way. Beginning next school year, Rocket Spelling will do even more...


Adding Additional Students

If you have a new student join your class sometime during the school year, you may find yourself needing to add an additional student to your Rocket Spelling account. To do so, you don't need to renew your account. Instead, while logged into your teacher account, go to From there, you'll be able to select the new total number of students you want to have registered to your account here on Rocket Spelling.


Back-To-School Spelling Ideas

As the new school year gets into full swing, here are three back-to-school ideas for using Rocket Spelling to maximize your students' spelling progress.

1. Set Goals Rocket Spelling is designed to gamify your students' spelling practice. Start the year by encouraging your students to have a growth mindset when it comes to spelling. Even if certain words are difficult for them to spell as of now, it's important that your students understand that spelling -- like most things -- gets easier with practice! To explicitly see their own growth, we encourage your students to set both short-term and long-term spelling improvement goals.


Printing Student Logins

This year, we've made it even easier for you to print out all of your students' usernames and passwords on Rocket Spelling. Once you've entered and saved all of your students' information, you can now use the "Print Table" button within the Manage Tab of your teacher account (highlighted in the picture below) to generate a printable PDF of your students' logins.

print table


New for 2018-2019: 14-Day Free Trial

This school year, new Rocket Spelling customers are invited to check out Rocket Spelling in several ways. First, to test out the first level in each planet -- even without creating a login -- you can click the "Demo" button (or go directly to this page). This will give you a sense of what Rocket Spelling is all about.

To gain full access to Rocket Spelling for 14 days...